July 27, 2024
At the 2018 Gathering of Leaders, Vanessa Kirsch, Founder and CEO of New Profit, celebrated 20 years of collaboration with Deloitte Consulting LLP. Hear Vanessa talk about the power of our collaboration:

In 2013, New Profit and Deloitte Consulting LLP launched a collaboration to do something rare and valuable in the social sector: provide nonprofits and other social impact organizations with the caliber of strategic support that Fortune 500 companies can access. Our belief, then and now, is that this catalytic support will help organizations scale impact the way that companies are able to scale products and services.

The collaboration built upon 15 years of similar pioneering work we did with the Monitor Group, which Deloitte acquired in 2013. The multi-million dollar collaboration provides pro bono strategic support from Deloitte’s consultants, who work with our staff to support leadership teams at New Profit’s grantee-partners. These teams help nonprofits pursue impact at scale by engaging in projects focused on leadership and board development, monitoring and evaluation, financial sustainability, impact modeling, and growth strategy.

“After five years of learning by doing, we were ready for a multi-year strategy. The team helped unlock our own best thinking and built a plan that is ambitious, actionable, and authentic to FoodCorps.” – Curt Ellis, Founder & CEO, FoodCorps

To date, Deloitte and New Profit have collaborated to build the capacity of 34 high-impact organizations and initiatives that collectively reach millions of people across America. Deloitte and New Profit’s deep strategy and capacity building investments in these organizations have helped propel them to national scale and deeper impact.







Hear David Flink talk about the value of Eye to Eye’s engagement with Deloitte:


Eye to Eye, an organization that seeks to unlock greatness in the 1 in 5 students who learn differently, worked with Deloitte and New Profit to develop an ambitious five-year strategy to dramatically expand its reach and impact to 165,000 students and 330 partner schools by 2020. David Flink the Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer reflected on this work: “I know it costs Deloitte and New Profit a lot of time and resources to do this work with us, but we feel ready to double our growth and triple our impact. I feel like they will own that success with us.”


Enlearn, a nonprofit founded by Zoran Popović in 2012 that supports underserved students through an equity-focused personalized learning platform, engaged with Deloitte and New Profit in 2016 to do deep research and strategy work to identify a high-impact target market for Enlearn’s interventions: the 1.7 million underserved students who need pre-college math remediation and are at the highest risk of falling off the college path. Enlearn has oriented its strategy around this target market, and has mobilized new partners to bolster its support to these underserved students. Steve Arnold, Enlearn’s Board Chair and Co-Founder of Polaris Venture Partners, reflected on the Deloitte engagement: “Our case team used integrated expertise to help us crystallize our focus for the future. We appreciated that they came to each round of work more informed about our issues and more passionate about helping us increase our impact.”

Check out the video above to hear several social entrepreneurs in New Profit’s portfolio talk about the deep impact that Deloitte’s strategy support has had on the trajectory of their organizations.

At New Profit’s 2018 Gathering of Leaders, Sam Silvers of Deloitte announced a continuation and expansion of the collaboration over the next three years (2018-2020).

At New Profit’s 2018 Gathering of Leaders, Sam Silvers of Deloitte announced a continuation and expansion of the collaboration over the next three years (2018-2020).

“We embrace New Profit’s founding belief that social innovators and innovations should be surrounded with the same support that allow companies and products to scale and reach millions of people.” Sam Silvers, U.S. Leader of Markets and Relationships, Deloitte Consulting LLP

In addition to providing $6.6 million in pro bono strategy services to New Profit’s grantee-partners, Deloitte will also draw on its broader capabilities like digital strategy and human capital to support our portfolio, and look for other opportunities to facilitate board-matching and digital crowdsourcing of innovative ideas.

Our expanded collaboration is also centered around a shared goal: to equip the social sector for the future of work. At the 2018 Gathering, Deloitte’s Future of Work Market Leader Steve Hatfield presented to over 400 social sector leaders on the disruptive trends that are fundamentally changing our lives, our economy, and our future—from technology, automation, and AI to diversity and generational change—and their implications for social problem-solving. Social sector leaders need to consider both the impact these trends will have on their own talent and on the people they seek to serve through their work.

“Think about the enduring human skills that can never really be done by an AI or robot: are we really sorting for and nurturing those skills in our workforce?” Steve Hatfield, Principal, Human Captial and Future of Work Market Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP

Together, we are exploring new research and initiatives to support social sector organizations to systematically prepare for and shape the fast-moving future of work landscape with the same focus and urgency as the private sector. We believe that social sector needs to raise our voices and our stakeholders’ voices to influence the

global debate and to ensure that these transformative forces bend towards equity.

Our goal together has always been to help innovative ideas, leaders, and organizations break through and change lives, communities, and systems at scale. Our collaboration is built on an incredible platform of shared passion for social impact and commitment to the leaders and staff that are on the front lines of social change across America.